Salion GmbH, founded in 2014, is a legally registered company based in Munich, Germany.
We are specialised in the development of saliva tests for point of care testing. The tests are designed to analyse the level of inflammation in a patient. This is achieved by measuring the kynurenine levels from a saliva sample.
Salivary diagnostics is a dynamic field that is being increasingly utilised in a variety of fields, such as: disease diagnosis, clinical monitoring as well as for making important clinical decisions concerning patient care.
The combination of decades of expertise in the field of transplantation and the personal experience of an affected patient led to the foundation of Salion GmbH.
Arnd Wolpers had recently experienced an organ transplant and due to his experience, he decided to try to simplify his life and to make his post-transplant life safer, so he and his doctors set out to generate a point of care test for patients that had undergone solid organ transplantation.
The idea was to create a test that would alert both patients and medical staff of the possibility of a transplant rejection, at the earliest stage possible.
Founders and board members:
Prof. Dr. med. Dietmar Abendroth, surgeon and transplant immunologist, formerly professor at the University of Ulm, Germany
PD Dr. Manfred Stangl, Head of kidney- and pancreas- transplantion, Transplant Center Munich LMU Germany
Dr. jur. Gert Würtenberger, CEO of Salion, attorney at law, specialised in IP
Arnd Wolpers † Entrepreneur